Also tried another type of thread, this one is the one that looks more weed-like in feel, and I thought it would also be more harmonious with the wicker. But when I actually braided it, the single one was very thin and had very little friction to hold the wicker well.
I have found that if I use twine as a weaving fixing material, it has a certain thickness of its own, so when it is woven with the wicker it creates a gap between the wicker. But if all the sections are woven with twine, then my main material will no longer be the wicker, so I want to try zonal weaving to see the overall effect and the gaps created between the wicker.
After starting UNIT 3, as I was learning willow weaving from scratch, I felt that based on my experience with UNIT 2, I couldn't just arrange and then interspersed the willow in the same direction, it needed to be interlaced and the gaps between the willow shouldn't be too big. After reading some research I was thinking why do I have to use only one material, I can also add some other materials together for weaving, so I tried some effects of adding different materials and wicker weaving.